Apart from the Two (2) main types of hymns that was observed by the conceiver of the "Solo Hymner" Concept, he also observed that there are four (4) categories of hymns : Hybrid hymns , No Chorus Hymns, Same Chorus hymns and Multi Chorus hymns respectively as defined below: 1. HYBRID HYMNS Hybrid hymns are long or short hymns that contain both verses and chorus or refrain. Examples are : Come ye that love the Lord, My faith has found a resting place, My hope is built on nothing less, Pass me not O gentle savior, Rescue the perishing, There shall be showers of blessing etc. 2. NO CHORUS HYMNS No Chorus hymns are long or short hymns that contain verses but no chorus or refrain. Examples are: A charge to keep I have, Just as I am without one plea, Through all the changing scenes of life, To thee O Lord our heart we raise, Take my life and let it be, What a friend we have in Jesus etc. 3. SAME CHORUS HYMNS Sam...